12 some interesting life hacks.

Gen. A Ishimwe
2 min readMay 1, 2022
edurtain image

How to Google effectively:

1. “Quotation Marks”
This will generate rules that contain the words in the exact order you enter then and group them together as a phrase. This is very helpful in searching for lyrics, quotes, phrases, etc.
📌 E.g. “Ultra Instinct”
This will ignore the results that are only Ultra or Instinct.

2. Site:
This helps you search for a particular term within the constraints of a specific site.
📌 E.g. “Rohan Kamath” site:quora. com
This will only search for the word/phrase on Quora.

3. Hyphen -
This is used to exclude certain search results.
📌 E.g. Orange -color
This will focus on fruit and the company but exclude the color.

4. Tilde ~
This helps search for synonyms of words.
📌 E.g. Black ~slippers
This will not only return slippers but also sandals, loafers, flip-flops, etc.

5. Asterix *
This is a wildcard and can be used as a placeholder in phrases or lyrics you don’t remember exactly
📌 E.g. “to the well organized mind * adventure”

6. OR |
Using the vertical bar | or the keyword OR(in CAPS only) will search for either of the two queries
📌 E.g. “Cheese Pizza” OR “Chicken Sandwich”
📌 E.g. “Cheese Pizza” | “Chicken Sandwich”
Note that the OR operator only takes the words adjacent to it. So if you’re using phrases like I did here, put them in quotes or you’re going to be looking at results for Chicken Pizza.

7. Related:
This tag helps us find similar sites the the one we have searched.
📌 E.g. related:nytimes. com
This will return USAToday, Reuters, etc.

8. Location:
Using the location tag helps narrow down results to a particular location. I find this especially useful when searching for people with common names.
📌 E.g. “Rohan Kamath” location:Seattle
This will return results specific to Seattle and ignore similar results not associated with that location

9. FileType:
You can search for specific file formats.
📌 E.g. Bitcoin filetype:pdf
This will only return pdf results.

10. Result Categories and Tools
Your search results have categories like images, videos, etc.
They also have tools that let you filter by date/time ranges, etc.
📌 E.g. Ukraine [Tools -> “Past Hour”]
This will give you the results from the past hour.

11. Image Search
You can reverse look up an image by uploading it (or a link) to Google Images.

12. Shortcuts:
You can get the results for certain questions right away
📌 E.g.
Weather <Location>
Time <Location>
<Stock Ticker>
Math Equations/calculation
Unit Conversions
Package Tracking Number

Thank you for reading. I hope I could help you learn today. :)

read: 16 Psychological Ways to Calm Yourself When Life is Getting Tough.



Gen. A Ishimwe

Quality over Quantity. “Gen. A Ishimwe” is just an homage to fantasy/mythological literature.