7 mindset shifts that will 10x your results

Gen. A Ishimwe
2 min readMay 1, 2022
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1. Time is finite

Remember that you don’t have forever and use precious time you have. Stop staying in job you hate or being with people you don’t Care about.

2. Chan how you think about things.

It’s all starts in mind.

You can change how you react to what happen in your life.

3. Develop an attitude of gratitude.

If you are grateful daily, you Will notice more and more things you can be grateful for.

Make gratitude your default state of mind.

4. Applied knowledge is power

Knowledge alone doesn’t give you a power.

You need to act on it and use what learned.

5.Happiness doesn’t come from material things.

Buying more things won’t make you happier long term. Real happiness is peace.

6. Always remember your why.

If you lost your way or struggling right now, start finding your why.

It ll guide through toughest times.

7. Failure is just false belief.

Failure is just feedback.

You did something wrong but now you know better and you can try again.


In Life sometimes we fail to have a confidence and then we try again and again, keep on improving our selves and then we succeed.

But if we accept that we are never going to have confidence, we will never be able to.

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16 Psychological Ways to Calm Yourself When Life is Getting Tough.



Gen. A Ishimwe

Quality over Quantity. “Gen. A Ishimwe” is just an homage to fantasy/mythological literature.