best cheat codes to life that will put you 7 years ahead of 90% of people?

Gen. A Ishimwe
2 min readMar 21, 2024

Ever wished life came with a cheat code? Well, We’ve got some gems for you!

Picture from key to success

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These 18 cheat codes are like the shortcuts to leveling up in life, and they’ll seriously put you 7 years ahead of the game, leaving 90% of the crowd behind.

The less you care about the opinion of others, the more powerful you become.
Smiling is modern-day magic. Many opportunities will come from the energy you radiate.
When you know what you want, have a plan to achieve it, and do the work consistently, nothing will stop you.
this practice forever.
When you get loads of rejections, you stop fearing it. This makes you unstoppable!
Watch how people treat service workers. It’ll show you their true colors.
Seeking out adversity will help us grow more than being in a comfort zone.
Knowing what you want in life gets you far more than if you didn’t.
Investing in yourself isn’t selfish. It’s the most worthwhile thing you can do.
The power of focusing on one thing at a time will change your life.
The sooner you stop lying to yourself, the quicker you’ll be unstoppable.
Less friends = deeper relationships.
People who accept suffering achieve greatness. Those who avoid it go nowhere.
It’s not what happens, it’s how you react that matters.
Your life can change tomorrow, if you make the choice to change it.
The more sacrifices you are willing to make, the more successful you’ll become.
If you believe in yourself as much as you do the people you admire, you’ll be unstoppable.
To be great at anything, you must be consistently good for long enough.
You are what you say to yourself - change the words you use.



Gen. A Ishimwe

Quality over Quantity. “Gen. A Ishimwe” is just an homage to fantasy/mythological literature.